It’s spring in Culpeper, and our fancy lightly turns to thoughts of monsters. Thursday, May 15 (7:30 p.m.) King Kong (RKO, 1933) Filmmaker Carl Denham (Robert Armstrong), recent discovery Ann Darrow (Fay Wray) and his team discover a giant prehistoric ape, dubbed Kong, while searching for locations on an uncharted jungle island. The crew manages …
Here at the Packard Campus in Culpeper, April showers bring May…monsters? Among the many attributes of the Campus is our lovely 205 seat art deco theater, where we are proud to present free screenings three times a week. Future posts will feature more specific information about the theater and its design, but of special note …
The Great Train Robbery. Casablanca. Star Wars. 12 Years a Slave. I Love Lucy. All in the Family. Seinfeld. Game of Thrones. These well-known films and television shows are all part of the Library’s moving image collection. And so are How Buttons Got Even With the Butler (American Mutoscope & Biograph, 1903), Daily Report of …
This post was co-written with Karen Fishman. Welcome to the Vaults! Welcome to the Recorded Sound Section and our portion of the Now See Hear blog. Each week we will share alternate posts with the Moving Image Section and hightlight the wonderful world of audio-visual collections at the Library. The Recorded Sound Section Posts …
This post was co-written with Bryan Cornell and Karen Fishman. We hope we can be forgiven the stern tone of this blog’s name, but we couldn’t resist the pun. Welcome to the inaugural post of Now See Hear!, a blog devoted to sharing information about and content from the collections of the National Audio-Visual Conservation …