This week, in our ongoing series of unknown movie stills, we go way back to the silent days of filmmaking. We hope you can help us identify these performers or the productions they are in. As always, “clicking” on the images below will increase their size. Please put any suggestions you have in the “comments” section below. As the images are positively ID’ed, we’ll update this blog. THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP! And come back next Tuesday for a new set of unknowns.
1. The code on the photo of this pretty lady (PGP-5489) suggests that it was taken at Paramount Pictures.
SOLVED!: Josephine Dunn.
2. Certainly a dramatic moment from a film but what is the film and who are the actors? We’ve had a suggestion that the man in the middle might be Bob Steele.
SOLVED!: “Unseeing Eyes” (1923) with, l to r, Seena Owen, J.W. Johnston and Lionel Barrymore.
3. Who is the pretty lady among the peacocks?
SOLVED!: Edwina Booth!–Thank you, Jessica W.
4. We’ve had a guess on this smiling woman as being silent star Jeanette Loff, but we’ve also had those who say it isn’t….
5. The name of any of these theater-goers is appreciated and/or the film from which this shot might be taken.
UPDATE: Quite possibly Niles Welch in the 1926 film “Men Women Love.”
6. There is some internal speculation that this racy shot is not from a film at all but was an advertisement.
SOLVED!: “The Woman Who Dared” (1933)!–Thanks to Stacia!
To see our previous photo blogs, please click on the links below….
Photo Blog #1: Who’s That Lady?
Photo Blog #2: Who’s that Gent? (4 out of 6 solved!)
Photo Blog #3: Name That Movie! (5 out of 6 solved!)
Photo Blog #4: Musical Mysteries (4 out of 6 solved!)
Photo Blog #5: Unknown Horrors
Photo Blog #6: Small Screen Oddities (2 out of 6 solved!)
Photo Blog #7: International Unknowns (4 out of 6 solved!)
Comments (14)
6. Actor on left of frame is Monroe Owsley (1900-1937). So probably a film, not an ad, made before tighter Production Code imposed July 1934.
Could the TSP7 still code in photo #5 stand for Tiffany-Stahl Production #7?
The man in the foreground doesn’t look like Bobby Vernon to me.
Isn’t the lady in the middle of #6 Bess Flowers?
Bobby Vernon is certainly not the man in #5
I think #2 is SNOWED IN (1926 serial ) with Walter Miller (in fur hat) and Allene Ray. Definitely not Bob Steele in center
I think #2 is from “Rough Romance” (1930), and I think the man on the far right is John Wayne as a lumberjack (uncredited) in this George O’Brien film. Girl on left could be Noel Francis, but star was Helen Chandler. One thing for certain: the man in the middle is definitely NOT Bob Steele!
Hi. With the name “Walter Miller” written in the back of #2, I think it can be the 1927 serial Hawk of the Hills, and the lady in the hat would be Allene Ray.
Photo #6 Comes from Getty Images:
Underwear Fashion Show
Credit: Galerie Bilderwelt / Contributor
Editorial #: 108108978
Collection: Hulton Archive
A model is presenting white underwear with black stockings to a well dressed audience in a private home. 1925. Men in black suits and ladies in long evening gowns are watching, while another model is waiting for her turn. New York, United States of America. (Photo by Galerie Bilderwelt/Getty Images)
#5 is definitely Niles Welch.
#6. Getty Images says 1925. Surely incorrect. Women’s hairstyles and clothing closer to 1932-5.
#6 is surely not Ann Dvorak, who was still a teenager when this photo appears to have been taken. Not nearly as pretty as Dvorak, either.
#2 is definitely not Bob Steele in the middle, as Steele was a teenager at this time. And it’s not Rough Romance or John Wayne. It’s a relatively hard film to see, but I’ve seen it, and this doesn’t match anything in it or the tiny microbit Wayne does.
I can’t get over how much the woman on the right in #6 looks like Lola Lane.
If it is, it could be something related to The Woman Who Dared (1933). The guy next to Lane on the right might be Robert Elliott.
Sorry to comment twice — I’m pretty sure #6 is from The Woman Who Dared. The woman who is sitting next to Owsley looks like Claudia Dell, the female lead.
Only guessing that #4 could be Marika Rokk