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Now Playing at the Packard Campus Theater (Aug. 31, 2017)

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The following is a gust post by Jenny Paxson of the Packard Campus.

Martha Graham

Thursday, August 31 (7:30pm)
All Things Being Equal 2:  Shorts from the National Film Registry (1896-1953)
Of the 700 films currently on the Library of Congress’s National Film Registry, a significant number are not feature-length films.  Shorter films–experimental, avant-garde, animated or musical in nature–also populate the list.  All Things Being Equal 2 is an evening showcasing these briefer works which, thought they may not fill theaters or marquees, have nevertheless had a profound impact on the art of filmmaking and the development of America’s cultural landscape.  In 2014, the Packard Campus showcased a screening of these shorter films, and this evening will feature a brand new slate of NFR titles including the 1950s Civil Defense film The House in the Middle; a cartoon by Tex Avery; a dance piece by the great Martha Graham; the avant garde works I, An Actress and Free Radicals and the “scandalous” 1896 Edison film The Kiss.

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