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Photo Blog #22: Nagging Mysteries

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For this posting, #22 in our series, we revisit a few previously posted but still unknown photos.  We still hope that someone, somewhere, will be able to tell us who (or what) they are.  As always, “clicking” on the image will increase it in size.  As excellent suggestions, clues or answers are submitted, we will update this blog accordingly.  Thank you!

  1. Probably a musical group–but what is their name either collectively or individually?

SOLVED!  This is the band Flying Tigers.

2. This gentleman might be an actor, a producer, a director…?  We’d love to know his name.

SOLVED!:  This is the late film producer Larry Brezner.

3. We have some good guesses for this lady.  But can’t yet confirm her identity.

SOLVED!:  Actress Ludie Claire!

4. Anyone know this lady or the production that she is in?

SOLVED!:  Eleanor Wold in Gilbert and Sullivan’s “Patience” (1973).–Thanks LOOM!

5.  Could this be the actress Cynda Wilson or someone completely different?

SOLVED!:  This is April Washington Chandler of HBK Media.

6. This woman might be a star of stage or screen or of the opera or music worlds.  But we don’t know.

7.  This extremely familiar looking man has yet to be ID-ed.

SOLVED:  This is British actor Michael Knowles.

8.  We assume that this man is in costume for something but haven’t yet determined the title of the work or who he is.

SOLVED!:  This is Hollywood make-up legend Bob Stephanoff practicing his craft on himself, c. 1938. 

9.  Another gent who might be from in front of or behind the scenes.  Who is he?

SOLVED!:  This is actor Lex Van Delden.

10.  We’d like to know the name of this dashing gent with the carnation.

SOLVED!:  This is Walter Reade, Jr., founder of Walter Reade Organization, a one time distributor of art films.

11. This lady may be a Brit based upon the envelope we found this photo in but we don’t know who she is.

SOLVED!:  Patricia Bredin, UK singer/actress.

12.  Anyone recognize this man?

SOLVED!:  Film director Harold Becker.


13. This could be from a film, TV special or just someone’s really interesting wedding.  We’d love to hear your guesses.

SOLVED!:  Betty and Jock Leslie-Melville, authors of “There’s a Rhino in the Rose Bed, Mother” (1973).

14. We can’t show you the rest of this heavily cropped photo, but hopefully someone will recognize is woman’s face.

SOLVED!:  This is early ’90s pin-up Angela Dawn.

15.  Another executive who might not even be from the film industry.  Still, we hope he looks familiar to someone.


To see some of our previous “mystery photo” posts, click on the links below.

Photo Blog #1:  Who’s That Lady?

Photo Blog #2:  Who’s that Gent? (4 out of 6 solved!)

Photo Blog #3:  Name That Movie! (5 out of 6 solved!)

Photo Blog #4:  Musical Mysteries (5 out of 6 solved!)

Photo Blog #5:  Unknown Horrors (1 out of 6 solved!)

Photo Blog #6:  Small Screen Oddities (4 out of 6 solved!)

Photo Blog #7:  International Unknowns (5 out of 6 solved!)

Photo Blog #8:  Mysterious Silents (4 out of 6 solved!)

Photo Blog #9:  Portraits of an Unknown Woman (3 of 10 solved!)

Photo Blog #10:  The Films With No Name (7 out of 8 solved!)

Photo Blog #11:  The Kids are Unknown (5 out of 10 solved!)

Photo Blog #12:  Reel Mysteries (6 out of 10 solved!)

Photo Blog #13:  Men of Mystery (4 out of 10 solved!)

Photo Blog #14:  More Musical Mysteries (3 out of 10 solved!)

Photo Blog #15:  The Executive Guess (1 out of 10 solved!)

Photo Blog #16:  The Familiar Female (1 out of 10 solved!) 

Photo Blog #17:  Cowboys and Question Marks (6 out of 10 solved!)

Photo Blog #18:  Oddities and Ends (2 out of 10 solved!)

Photo Blog #19:  Potpourri (1 out of 10 solved!)

Photo Blog #20:  Lingering Mysteries

Photo Blog #21:  More Lingering Mysteries (1 out of 15 solved!)


Comments (11)

  1. Is number 14 the soprano Roberta Peters?

  2. #2 looks like he could be related to “hide the pain harold”

  3. No. 3 is Eleanor Wold in the role of The Lady Jane in Gilbert and Sullivan’s Patience; or, Bunthorne’s Bride at The Light Opera of Manhattan in the 1970s. See the thread at Datalounge for my proof.

    — R12

  4. #8 looks so much like Rutger Hauer playing Hamlet it’s uncanny.

    #7 looks familiar because he looks vaguely like Tom Baker but clearly is not.

  5. Could #3 be Jeanne Sorel?

  6. Is #8 Finnish actor Urho Somersalmi?

  7. #9 looks like the Swiss actor Bruno Ganz as a younger man

  8. 14# Tina Louise?

  9. #2 is a dead ringer for Clint Howard…

  10. #8 looks very much like like Spencer Tracy to me.

  11. The woman in the first photo looks a great deal like the lead singer from the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. I’ve posted the photo to their FB page in an effort to confirm/deny.

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