This guest post was written by Madeline Mitchell, a 2019 Jr. Fellow in the Moving Image Section. When you say “home movies,” a specific image pops into my head. I see my brother at 3 years old playing with a kid’s golf set. He is the perfect combination of toddler cuteness and clumsiness and he …
This is a guest post by Sally Smith, 2019 Jr. Fellow in the Recorded Sound Section. If someone told me I would be paid to listen to music all summer and research everything there is to know about the Native American recording industry, I would have laughed. Yet, here I am… the Library of Congress …
This guest post is by Dorinda Hartmann, viewing technician in the Moving Image Research Center. In 2019, we have nearly immediate access to many of the activities of Earth’s astronauts, from NASA’s live-stream of the Earth from space to interviews with the crew of the International Space Station from orbit, widely available at any time. …
This is a guest post was written by Harrison Behl, reference librarian in the Recorded Sound Section. As we celebrate and commemorate the achievements of the US space program in bringing a human to the moon with the successful mission of Apollo 11, a curious turn of events in recording provides an interesting way of …
Every month, films from the Library’s collection are shown at the Mary Pickford Theater in the James Madison building, ranging from titles newly preserved by the National Audio Visual Conservation Center film lab, classics from the National Film Registry, and lesser known titles worthy of discovery. SUMMER CAPERS What better way to relax in the …