All of us at the National Audio-Visual Conservation Center are teleworking during the COVID-19 pandemic, but we’re still getting a lot done. Copyright and gift collections are being processed and catalog records created or enhanced. We’re writing quality control reports and documenting Standard Operating Procedures. We’re doing research for film restoration projects and creating new finding aids. We’re learning new skills by taking online training courses and reading professional journals and standards documents. We’re contributing to transcription efforts like the Library’s By the People and the American Archive of Public Broadcasting. We’re getting to projects that have been sitting on the backburner for a long time. And while we certainly miss the camaraderie we share with our co-workers, we’re grateful for our animal companions who are making the social distancing just a little more bearable. We hope everyone out there stays safe.
Waffles is chipping in by dressing for the occasion.Bandit has been keeping busy during telework by making a to-do list every day. He also keeps morale high for his home office co-workers. He hopes that everyone is staying healthy.Willow and Split have been trying to sneak in getting more cookies while their owner is spending more time at home processing collections.
Although Paloma isn’t a great co-worker—she naps frequently and she’s easily distracted—she’s helping her owner stay on top of copyright processing by providing moral support.Dewey is learning a lot during his owner’s Resource Description and Access training.Trixi quite enjoys having her owner home while he does some file editing for online presentation.
Dexter and Chewy are happy to live in the country while their owner does some QC work.Louie is enjoying some time off from his day job as a classroom bunny.
Quinn and Nymeria (right) are learning the ropes of teleworking. Quinn’s timekeeping skills are excellent, as he makes sure the day is structured around his mealtimes. Nym is always close by to offer some snuggly assistance throughout the day.
McCormick is here to provide some common horse sense (sorry).Rosie doesn’t know quite what’s going on in the world, but she seems to enjoy uninterrupted lap time.Shadow has gladly assumed the role of on-site officer manager. She sends everyone her love.
Chaplin and Scout have been celebrating having their owner home by enjoying a few extra cuddles.Fuzzy-Wuzzy likes jumping up by the laptop to help edit MAVIS records.
Lily is making sure her owner is getting at least two walks a day.Boots and Staccato are overseeing their owner’s recorded sound processing.
These chickens enjoy getting extra mealworm snacks while their owner teleworks.Portia is passed out cold on top of a bunch of cables in the home recording studio. She must have tired of troubleshooting the VPN connection and hit the catnip a little too hard. Yes, she is wearing an inner tube around her neck so she doesn’t lick all of her fur off in these uncertain times.
Logan is wondering why his owner is home, but not being any fun, just sitting in front of the computer. At least he has extra time to contemplate all the trades happening.Ferris and Cameron look cute, but they are really just thinking of all the new opportunities to cause trouble.
Spanky is delighted to have his owners home all day and wanted to play or eat most of the time, but after a few days he’s back to napping while they telework.Sassy Cat has been enjoying lots of treats and chin scratches while her owner is teleworking.
Candace and Luna (right) are curious about all the extra activity happening around the house.Luna
Hoban Washburne “Wash” is the best (cat) pilot in the ‘Verse.” His nickname is Bagheera and he has a visceral hatred of cups (the fuller of liquid the better). He is perplexed that his owner hasn’t learned this lesson and wonders how many more cups he must spill before he learns.Zoë thinks Wash is full of it; she runs the show. And she’s only here to steal your heat sources. Her hobbies include yelling at her human family and swatting Wash. She enjoys the increased attention with her owner teleworking, although she still feels the number of scritches is criminally too low.
Both of Joe’s owners are teleworking, so he splits his morale boosting time between them.And finally, Bruno and Neiko have an important question.
Comments (5)
Dorothy says:
This was a great escape from my working from home on our library website and social media. Thank you!
JJ Harbster says:
You all deserve an award! Nice to meet everyone’s furry co-workers who are the helping with teleworking duties. Cheers!
SR says:
Thank you for this. Charming! Brightened a difficult time.
Dyanne says:
Miss all of you ..
keeping your desks safe!!
Hurry back!
Bridget says:
Thank you all for sharing your furry and feathered
friends with us. They all are wondering why are you here, this is suppose to be me time. Nevertheless, we are so blessed to have you around. XOXO
Comments (5)
This was a great escape from my working from home on our library website and social media. Thank you!
You all deserve an award! Nice to meet everyone’s furry co-workers who are the helping with teleworking duties. Cheers!
Thank you for this. Charming! Brightened a difficult time.
Miss all of you ..
keeping your desks safe!!
Hurry back!
Thank you all for sharing your furry and feathered
friends with us. They all are wondering why are you here, this is suppose to be me time. Nevertheless, we are so blessed to have you around. XOXO