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Film poster for 1937 film "They Won't Forget" with title spelled out in bold letters; pictrues of film's stars arranged around it.
"They Won't Forget" (1937)

Film Loans from the Library of Congress — May 2022

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Here are some of the titles from the Library’s motion picture collections–many preserved by the NAVCC film laboratory–that we’re loaning for exhibition this month. As always, we can’t guarantee that schedules won’t change or links get broken, but this is our best information at the time of publication.

“Five Star Final” (1931)

AFI Silver Theatre , Silver Spring, Maryland

FIVE STAR FINAL (1931), 35mm  May 1

THE STAR WITNESS (1931), 35mm  May 1

WILD BOYS OF THE ROAD (1933), 35mm  May 17

HEROES FOR SALE (1933), 35mm  May 17

BLACK LEGION (1936), 35mm  May 21

THEY WON’T FORGET (1937), 35mm  May 21

“The General” (1926)

Somerville Theatre, Somerville, Massachusetts

THE GENERAL (1926), 35mm  May 7

STEAMBOTAL BILL, JR. (1928), 35mm  May 7

“Captain Blood” (1924)

George Eastman Museum-Dryden Theatre, Rochester, New York

CAPTAIN BLOOD (1924), 35mm  May 16

“Clash of the Wolves” (1925)

La Fondation Jérôme Seydoux-Pathé, Paris, France

CLASH OF THE WOLVES (1925), 35mm   May 10

SCREEN SNAPSHOTS feature story on ILAK’S BIRTHDAY (1925), digital   May 10



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