Come get wet this weekend at the Packard Campus Theater!

Friday, June 16, 2023 @ 7:30pm
“Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl” (Disney, 2003)
Not the first, but by far most successful attempt, to turn a Disneyland attraction into a movie. Johnny Deep’s portrayal of Captain Jack Sparrow makes this movie, as well as the many sequels, a treat to watch. Water is this month’s theme and this film spends plenty of time on the bounty main. (Color, 143 minutes)

Saturday, June 17, 2023 @ 2pm
“The Life of Pi” (20th Century-Fox, 2012)
An old man, Pi, tells a young author about his adventures at sea. While traveling on a ship a storm hits sinking the vessel and putting Pi along with a menagerie of animals in a lifeboat. Ang Lee directed and Suraj Sharma stars. (Color, 127 minutes)

Saturday, June 17, 2023 @ 7:30pm
“Waterworld” (Universal, 1995)
“Mad Max” meet “Captain Blood” with a bit of “2001: A Spacey Odyssey” thrown in! The film tells of a future none of us want to see, a sentiment that was shared about the film itself when it was first released. A colossal flop then, now seen as a cult classic. Kevin Costner stars. (Color, 135minutes)
For more information on LC screenings, see this link.