Here are some of the titles from the Library’s motion picture collections–many preserved by the NAVCC film laboratory–that we’re loaning for exhibition this month. As always, we can’t guarantee that schedules won’t change or links get broken, but this is our best information at the time of publication.

UW Cinematheque Madison, Wisconsin
BABY FACE (1933) - 35mm August 3

Stanford Theatre Palo Alto, California
NONE BUT THE LONELY HEART (1944) – 35mm August 3 +4
ARSENIC AND OLD LACE (1944) – 35mm August 5 +6

Museum of Modern Art New York City, New York
THE LADY (1925) – DCP August 3
LIGHTS OF OLD BROADWAY (1925) – 35mm August 28 +29

Doc Films Chicago, Illinois
CLASH OF THE WOLVES (1925) – 35mm August 4 +5
WITHIN THE LAW (1923) – 35mm August 11+12

Capitolfest Rome, NY
ALIBI BYE BYE (1935) – 35mm August 11-13
BLONDE OR BRUNETTE (1927) – 35m August 12

Australian Cinémathèque South Brisbane, Australia
IT HAPPENED ONE NIGHT (1934) – 35mm August 4 + 13
THE PALM BEACH STORY (1942) -35mm August 6 + 26
MIDNIGHT (1939) – 35mm August 9
MY FAVORITE WIFE (1940) -35mm August 19

Bonner Sommerkino – Internationale Stummfilmtage Bonn Bonn, Germany
THE FLYING ACE (1926) – 35m August 13

Music Box Theatre Chicago, Illinois
MURIEL’S WEDDING (1994) – 35mm August 27
RAW DEAL (1948) – 35mm August 25

Cinema Arts Centre Huntington, New York
FEEL MY PULSE (1928) – 35mm August 29

Cinémathèque française Paris, France
PILLARS OF SOCIETY (ca. 1916) – 35mm August 31
Hello there!
Am really excited about this and also, to add to that i think this year’s Film loans from the Library of Congress were nice films.
And again, i appreciate the good work that you have been doing since keep up with the good work okay thanks.