The week kicks off with a special look at Native American language and then we return to our examination of the Napoleon. In regard to the latter, not the dessert! Come and learn and be entertained at the Packard Campus this coming week.

Language is Life (PBS, 2023)
Explore the beauty and power of contemporary “Indian” Cultural in this Native-American directed series. Language is Life celebrates the power of Native languages and the inspirational people who are working to save them. From “Star Wars” films dubbed into Navajo all the way back to Passamaquoddy wax cylinders recorded in 1890 that were digitized by the Library of Congress here in Culpeper last year. A panel discussion with representatives from the Passamaquoddy, as well as director Daniel Golding and executive producer Gary Glassman will follow the screening. Color, 90 minutes.

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9 @ 7:30 p.m.
A Tale of Two Cities (MGM, 1935)
It was the best of times, it was the…. well, in the mid 1930s, it was nothing but the best if you were able to cast Ronald Colman as the lead of your film. Colman is at the top of his game in this retelling of life before and during the French Revolution. It is one of Colman’s best films and a role he long coveted. Earlier, in 1935, producer David O. Selznick also produced another Charles Dickens story, David Copperfield. Black & White, 123 minutes.
For more information on LC screenings, see this link.