It’s a wonderful week as the Packard Campus Theater in Culpeper. Some see a couple of Christmas-themed films–laugh or cry.

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14 @ 7:30 p.m.
Last Holiday (Paramount, 2006)
Christmas can bring the happiest of times but also sometimes the saddest of emotions. Queen Latifah experiences both as a department store salesperson who gets some bad news but is determined to not let it ruin her Christmas. LL Cool J also stars in the film, a remake of the 1950 British comedy with the same title. Color, 112 minutes.

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15 @ 7:30 p.m.
It’s A Wonderful Life (RKO Radio, 1947)
James Stewart stars as George Bailey, a good hearted well intending man who doesn’t always get a good break. He spends his life making sure others do and in the end despite all the ups and downs realizes it is a wonderful life. Donna Reed and Lionel Barrymore co-star, and Frank Capra directed. This classic was, of course, added to the Library of Congress’ National Film Registry in 1990. Black & White, 131 minutes.
For more information on LC screenings, see this link.