Every month, the Library of Congress loans out films from is collection for the playing at theaters and festivals around the world. See what's on the movie as we start the new year.
Every month the Library of Congress loans some of its films for viewing to institutions and festivals all over the world. See what might be coming your way this month...
Every month the Library of Congress loans films from its collection to festivals and theaters far and wide. See what might be coming your way in the month of November.
Every month the Library of Congress loans out some of its film prints to film festivals and theaters worldwide. See what's on the move--and what's playing--for the month of August 2023.
Here are some of the titles from the Library’s motion picture collections–many preserved by the NAVCC film laboratory–that we’re loaning for exhibition this month. As always, we can’t guarantee that schedules won’t change or links get broken, but this is our best information at the time of publication. AFI Silver Theatre Silver Spring, …
Every month, the Library of Congress loans out films from its collection to film festivals, revival houses and universities around the world. See if something is being shown near you this month.