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Category: Motion Pictures

A view looking past a digital display screen towards the doors of an indoor theater, with

National Film Registry: Celebrating Liza and “Cabaret”

Posted by: Stacie Seifrit-Griffin

So much to celebrate as this sweet little girl turns 76, and the musical film that made her a star celebrates 50 years since its 1972 theatrical debut. Liza Minnelli was born on March 12, 1946 into true Hollywood royalty and all that it encompasses. Her father, the great film director Vincente Minnelli, and her …

A view looking past a digital display screen towards the doors of an indoor theater, with

National Film Registry: Remembering William Hurt (1950-2022)

Posted by: Stacie Seifrit-Griffin

Yesterday we learned of the passing of William Hurt, and today, internet, cable and even broadcast news will be filled with stories of his award-winning career spanning over 50 years and over 100 credits. Hurt holds a respected place in cinema for being nominated for the best actor Oscar for three consecutive years; “Kiss of …

A view looking past a digital display screen towards the doors of an indoor theater, with

National Film Registry: “All My Babies” (1953)

Posted by: Stacie Seifrit-Griffin

  Each year, the Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH) sets a theme for February’s Black History Month, and this year, they’ve chosen the impact and importance of Black Health and Wellness. According to their website, “this theme acknowledges the legacy of not only Black scholars and medical practitioners in …