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Category: Motion Pictures

A view looking past a digital display screen towards the doors of an indoor theater, with

Silent Cal, Not So Silent

Posted by: Mike Mashon

It’s ironic that Calvin Coolidge—30th President of the United States and a man so famously taciturn his nickname was Silent Cal—was also the first President to make wide use of mass communication. His December 1923 State of the Union address was the first time any President had appeared on radio and his March 1925 inauguration …

A view looking past a digital display screen towards the doors of an indoor theater, with

Now Playing at the Packard Campus Theater (November 3-5, 2016)

Posted by: Cary O’Dell

The following is a guest post by Jenny Paxson of the Packard Campus. Thursday, November 3 (7:30 p.m.) Highlights from The Johnny Cash Show (ABC, 1969-1971) After the great success of his two live prison albums, At Folsom Prison and At San Quentin, the ABC television network approached country music icon Johnny Cash to host …

A view looking past a digital display screen towards the doors of an indoor theater, with

Photo Blog #11: The Kids Are Unknown

Posted by: Cary O’Dell

We look at some unidentified young people in this, the 11th, of our mystery photo series.  We welcome your suggestions/answers as to these kids’ names in the “Comments” section below.  As always, “clicking” on any of the images below will increase them in size.  Also as always, as each photo is “solved,” we’ll update this …

A view looking past a digital display screen towards the doors of an indoor theater, with

Now Playing at the Packard Campus Theater (October 27-29, 2016)

Posted by: Cary O’Dell

 The following is a guest post by Jenny Paxson of the Packard Campus. Thursday, October 27 (7:30 p.m.) The Bad Seed (Warner Bros., 1956) Young Patty McCormack was Oscar nominated for her portrayal of Rhoda, a seemingly perfect grade schooler until she turns vicious when things don’t go her way. Mervyn LeRoy directed this adaptation …

A view looking past a digital display screen towards the doors of an indoor theater, with

Now Playing at the Packard Campus Theater (October 21-22, 2016)

Posted by: Cary O’Dell

The following is a guest post by Jenny Paxson of the Packard Campus. Friday, October 21 (7:30 p.m.) Pioneers of African American Cinema To commemorate the recent release of Pioneers of African-American Cinema, a 5-Disc Blu-ray and DVD set by KinoLorber and the Library of Congress, the newly-restored digital restoration of Oscar Micheaux’s Within Our …

A view looking past a digital display screen towards the doors of an indoor theater, with

Mister American: Dwight Eisenhower 1952 Campaign Film

Posted by: Mike Mashon

Dwight D. Eisenhower–born on this date in 1890–is widely credited with being the first Presidential candidate to use television advertising; you can see many of his 1952 TV spots at the excellent web site The Living Room Candidate maintained by our colleagues at the Museum of the Moving Image. Eisenhower’s media team also produced a …

A view looking past a digital display screen towards the doors of an indoor theater, with

Now Playing at the Packard Campus Theater (October 14-15, 2016)

Posted by: Cary O’Dell

The following is a guest post by Jenny Paxson of the Packard Campus. Friday, October 14 (7:30 p.m.) The Mad Miss Manton (RKO, 1938) Three years before Barbara Stanwyck and Henry Fonda starred together in Preston Sturges’ screwball masterpiece The Lady Eve, they made this delightful and underappreciated entry in the comedy-mystery subgenre, called by …