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Category: Native American

Rare Native American Wax Cylinders Find a New Generation Join us for free screenings and Q&A

Posted by: Stacie Seifrit-Griffin

When Native American filmmaker Daniel Golding came to the Library of Congress to research, listen and translate the Library's rare collection of 1890 wax cylinders featuring Passamaquoddy and Quechan songs and languages, he had no idea that the Library's preservation team had a 100-year-old surprise for him and his son.

A view looking past a digital display screen towards the doors of an indoor theater, with

Native Gems: Highlights from the Native American Audio Project

Posted by: Karen Fishman

This blog post was written by Sally Smith and Brianna Gist, 2019 Jr. Fellows in the Recorded Sound Section. The Native American Audio Project began as a response to an “Ask-a-Librarian” question submitted by a patron inquiring about recordings of Native American music in the Recorded Sound Section of the Library. Although the American Folklife …