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Funding Opportunities

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The following funding opportunities are currently available as part of Of the People: Widening the Path

Connecting Communities Digital Initiative

Information about each grant, along with registration links for informational webinars is available below.


2021 Community Collections Grant Program from the American Folklife Center is currently closed.


Comments (24)

  1. Truly we live in an awesome America. I believe it to be true because of how wonderfully and culturally I am formed. I live in an area that some would call impoverish, but I call it the land of the many, for when I look around I am surrounded by so many cultures, mixtures of different cultures, and yet I am Hispanic and can understand all of them.

    • We appreciate your interest in the grant program, and hope that the materials we’ve posted can assist you in determining if you’d like to apply.

  2. What a superb and pace setting innovation. Thumbs-up to the L.C, The Sponsor, Laurie Allen and others. I AM INSPIRED!

  3. When it is the deadline (it depends on the project)?

    • The deadline for the Community Collections grant applications is September 7, 2021. Be sure to consult the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for all information related to applying.

  4. I am thrilled our Library of Congress has this opportunity for citizens!! I am an educator and live on the border in a multi-cultural city and cannot wait for more info on this!! My own German/Irish, Mexican/Native American heritage has intrigued me all of my life. What an opportunity! Thank you Library of Congress!!

  5. This initiative is an excellent opportunity to magnify diversity at close range. As a result, the forthcoming cultural documentation–photographs, interviews, audio or video recordings about the uniqueness of diverse communities can enrich individual, group, and collective perspectives and understanding and help to user tolerance and appreciation in the world community.
    A win, win formula to wholesomeness.

  6. This is a true representation of history. We leave in a world where cultures and traditions are changing very fast.

    Please, is this grant open to international individuals (people outside U.S.). I will love to document about my community and share with international audience.

    I am from the Yoruba ethnic group in Nigeria.

    • Thanks for reading the blog. The grant opportunity is only able to support projects taking place in the United States, including territories and protectorates.

  7. This is an awesome opportunity. How do I get more information on the application process?

  8. This grant opportunity is Awesome. As Founder & President of NEVADA’S FIRST & ONLY Museum of Black & African-American history, we are please and excited for the opportunity to apply for these grants as we continue to acquire, preserve, promote and educate the public about our history. We will be reopening in the near future based on Covid and our repair time. Thank You, Thank You

  9. Hello John Fenn. I’m trying to figure out what’s going on here. I love Ancient american history and I read the history books there at the LOC. I’ve learned on my mom’s side of the family she’s from Orange County, New York and we are from the Munsee Lenape tribe. They call us “black” indigenous. I currently live in the Washington, D. C. area and know of the Nacotchtank/Anacotans and Piscataway indians who are still here. There’s the Anacostia museum in my neighborhood. I’m just trying to see what I can do with a grant? Thanks.

    • Greetings, and thanks for your query! We encourage all perspective applicants to review the NOFO instructions, paying particular attention to Sections D and E, and FAQs before submitting their application. Please note that the focus of the Community Collections grant program is about documenting a cultural activity or experience in the community that is happening in the present from their perspective. The community might be geographic, cultural, familial or related by age or experience.

  10. I am aq descendant of the Adkins family from Charles City, VA and my great-grandfather was a member of the Chickahominy tribe. According to family history, he was put out of the tribe upon marrying a Black woman. They would have 8 or 9 children. My grandfather, one of their children, looked very much like a Native American and in fact, was the first person of color to work for the Restoration in what would become Colonia Williamsburg. Interesting enough, his wife, my grandmother, a Black woman born in Baltimore, worked for many years in the Stryker home in Williamsburg as the family’s maid. Mr. Stryker would serve as the City’s mayor for many years.
    In this project, I am interested in the relationship between and perspectives about the intermarriage of Native Americans and African Americans.
    One of my cousins has attended the tribe’s annual pow-wow in Providence Forge which unfortunately has been canceled this year because of COVID. I am in the process of contacting my cousin and other family members who have documents, photographs, etc. My mother, born an Adkins before marrying my father (she is now deceased) shared stories with me about meeting the chief during one pow-wow, whose name was Adkins. These kinds of lost or obscured histories are of great value to me and to so many other Americans,Blacks in particular, as we attempt to learn more about who we are and from whom we come.

  11. This is a tremendous opportunity and I am certain that great work will arise from it.
    I was wondering when the successful applicants for the “Widening the Path” grant will be selected and notified.

    • Thank you for your inquiry! We expect to announce the awardees in Spring 2022 and to post new grants a little later in 2022. Please subscribe to the blog to receive timely notifications. You can learn more about the Connecting Communities Digital Initiative program here.

  12. Have the recipients for “Widening the Path” for individuals been announced? The grant information indicated the announcement would be on or before December 1.

    • Thanks for the question. The review process continues and will extend into early 2022. Thank you for you interest in the Library’s Of The People initiative

  13. Hello LOC staff, I understand from a recent post that the review process continues for the Community Collections grant and will extend into early 2022-do you have any idea what month in 2022 you anticipate announcing grantees?

    • We recognize that offering a particular month would be ideal for applicants who are waiting to hear, the program generated more interest than we anticipated. We are hoping to finalize selection shortly and hope for your continued patience as we work to complete the process.

  14. Greetings,
    It is with a heavy heart and strong disdain for my personal procrastination that I write this. I had somehow found out about the grant with plenty of time to submit something. However, I failed at anything. As a result, no one may learn and know about some of the very interesting life lived by an African American woman growing up in the rather smallish town surrounding “The Strip”. The “old strip” and the “new strip” sit central, and are surrounded by the rest of Vegas…and then it’s all desert.
    I strongly believe that this often larger than life, often very sensitive, huge hearted, periodically violent (wrap sheet to validate), attractive, middle aged woman’s story may not get told, and heard.
    Growing up in Vegas sounds very different than other suburbia. It seems most locals have had some experience with the adult entertainment venues. My retired star performer, no exclusion… Come on, a naturally attractive, inside and out, retired Las Vegas headlining stripper AND local!!! This life lived was made to be told! How lucky was I, to offer an air cooled ride, and to have received a good bit of this story in chunks and pieces!?
    So, I really hope that there will be another opportunity!

    …and if there is any possible chance of a spot becoming open. A withdraw, dropout, unfilled position, or anything… Please do let me know!?


    • Keep in mind that there will be multiple rounds of funding for the grant opportunities offered through the Of the People initiative. Be sure to watch the blog for announcements in the near future.

  15. Wonderful initiative by the Library of Congress! I am curious if there will be another round of funding opening up in 2023?

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