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Category: digital collections

From grand-daddy down. Southern Pines, N.C. North Carolina Southern Pines, ca. 1914. Photograph.

Library of Congress Presentations for Kenton County Public Library Patrons

Posted by: Olivia Dorsey

Dr. Todd Harvey and Karen Walfall, staff from the Library's American Folklife Center and Local History and Genealogy division presented on Library collections and research methodologies to patrons for Kenton County Public Library, CCDI's inaugural Libraries, Archives, and Museums recipient.

A woman records a young man speaking as they sit together at a table

Grant Application Period Extended: CCDI Higher Education and Libraries, Archives, Museums Opportunities

Posted by: Olivia Dorsey

The Connecting Communities Digital Initiative team has extended the application deadline for its Higher Education and Libraries, Archives, Museums opportunities. The Library intends to award up to three Libraries, Archives, Museums grants and up to three Higher Education grants. We will award up to $50,000 for each grant and will support projects of up to …

A woman records a young man speaking as they sit together at a table

Celebrating Now: CCDI’s Summer Fuse Event

Posted by: Olivia Dorsey

On July 6th, the Library of Congress hosted the Connecting Communities Digital Initiative (CCDI)’s Summer Fuse, a hybrid event which celebrated the initiative’s inaugural grantees. CCDI is a four-year program encouraging creative uses of the Library’s digital collections to center the histories, lives and experiences of Black, Indigenous, Hispanic or Latino, Asian American and Pacific …

A photo of the Kenton County Public Library team.

An Interview with Kenton County Public Library, CCDI’s Libraries, Archives, Museums Grant Recipient

Posted by: Olivia Dorsey

The Kenton County Public Library (KCPL) team began their Libraries, Archives, Museums project this past April. Ann Schoenenberger, team lead, is a Digital Librarian at Kenton County Public Library, which is located in Covington, Kentucky. Jameela Salaah, a Program Manager for the Center for Great Neighborhoods, and phrie, an Artist-in-Residence, are also collaborating on the …

A photo of Bree'ya Brown, University Archivist for Huston-Tillotson University.

Bree’ya Brown Shares Her Experiences as a CCDI Higher Education Grant Recipient

Posted by: Olivia Dorsey

The following is a post by Erika Gault, a Program Specialist working on the Connecting Communities Digital Initiative (CCDI) at the Library. On April 26, inaugural recipients Bree’ya Brown and her team began their Higher Education project through the Connecting Communities Digital Initiatives (CCDI) Grant program. Bree’ya is the University Archivist at Huston-Tillotson University (HT). …