In honor of Thanksgiving 2011 we feature a 1904 cover illustration from Puck, the humor and satire magazine, which shows a young woman with a shotgun over her left shoulder carrying a dead turkey. Artist Louis M. Glackens captures the intrepid huntress who appears to look at the viewer out of the corner of her …
In honor of this most auspicious anniversary of Veterans Day, falling as it does on 11/11/11, our colleagues in the Serial and Government Publications Division have launched a new set of World War I rotogravures in War of the Nations, 1919 on the Library of Congress Flickr site. During the World War I era (1914-18), …
In Railroad Stations: The Buildings That Linked the Nation, David Naylor chronicles the history and stylistic character of one of our nation’s most iconic building types. Prolifically illustrated with images from the collections of the Prints & Photographs Division, the volume is organized by geographic region. In addition to showing the exteriors of many stations, …