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Archive: September 2012 (2 Posts)

Smiling woman dressed in outdoor winter clothes holds a large, old-style camera

Caught Our Eyes: Fashion Flashback

Posted by: Kristi Finefield

Earlier this month, New York City’s catwalks were filled with the latest creations from the world of fashion during the biannual ritual of Fashion Week. At the same time, I was searching in the George Grantham Bain Collection while answering a reference question and came across this stylish photograph. How could I resist stopping to …

Smiling woman dressed in outdoor winter clothes holds a large, old-style camera

Caught Our Eyes: Better with Butter

Posted by: Kristi Finefield

Reading the caption for a photograph can sometimes change every assumption made at first glance. One word in the title of this photograph shifted my entire view, and definitely caught my eye. Look at the image yourself, and then read the full title as it was written on the back of this stereograph card. The …