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Feast Your Eyes: Sweets in Store

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The following is a guest post by Donna Collins, Photo Preservation Specialist, Prints and Photographs Division.

On Valentine’s Day, candy and other sweet treats are popular gifts. With this holiday approaching, I browsed the Prints and Photographs collections featuring shops and stands that displayed such confections. The range of tempting locales was as varied as a sampler-style box of chocolates. Here are a few selections:

Clerks of the Franklin Candy store in Washington, DC, patiently await their customers:

Franklin Candy Co., [Washington, D.C.] Photo by National Photo Company, between 1921 and 1922.
Franklin Candy Co., [Washington, D.C.] Photo by National Photo Company, between 1921 and 1922.

This marvelous 1940’s RKO movie theatre candy kiosk virtually beckons movie-goers to browse its shelves for the perfect cinema treat:

RKO theatre candy stand, New York City. Photo by Gottscho-Scheisner, Inc., Dec. 12, 1949.
RKO theatre candy stand, New York City. Photo by Gottscho-Scheisner, Inc., Dec. 12, 1949.

This unique candy store could make its way to the customer, as seen in this 1922 photo of the mobile shop spotted on the road:

Austrian nobleman, impoverished, takes "traveling candy store" on the road. Photo by Underwood & Underwood, 1922.
Austrian nobleman, impoverished, takes “traveling candy store” on the road. Photo by Underwood & Underwood, 1922.

Decisions, decisions … part of the fun is the process of choosing which treat to try! Russell Lee perfectly captured such a moment in Caldwell, Idaho where two little boys are shown considering their candy selection at this open air stand:

Little boys deciding what kind of candy they want to buy. Caldwell, Idaho. Photo by Russell Lee, July 1941.
Little boys deciding what kind of candy they want to buy. Caldwell, Idaho. Photo by Russell Lee, July 1941.

No matter the style of the shop, the process of seeking and finding just the right treat adds a special dimension to the experience. With so many images available for browsing, you may feel like a kid in a candy store!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

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