This New Year’s cartoon published in Life in January 1917 offers a commentary on what a difference fifty years can make. Whether you plan to celebrate quietly, as though it’s 1867 (left), or in a slightly more boisterous fashion, as though it’s 1917 (right), we hope you enjoy ringing in the New Year in your …
When searching for that perfect gift, many of us now turn to the computer and the convenience of online shopping. However, I can’t help but be nostalgic for a time when shopping often meant looking at elaborate window displays of the newest toys or gadgets instead of tapping on a keyboard. I can almost hear …
Methods of transportation, from horse-drawn carriages to helicopters, from airplanes to automobiles, and from trains to trolleys offer a seemingly endless variety of visual inspiration. Some images capture a singular moment in history, some a flight of fancy which does not last, while others show us the progression over time as clever minds invent and …