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Archive: February 2016 (2 Posts)

Smiling woman dressed in outdoor winter clothes holds a large, old-style camera

Signs of Their Times: “Jim Crow” Was Here

Posted by: Jeff Bridgers

It shall be unlawful for a negro and white person to play together or in company with each other in any game of cards or dice, dominoes or checkers. –Birmingham, Alabama, 1930. “Jim Crow” laws systematically codified separation by race in the American South. Although it had begun some years before and persisted for some …

Smiling woman dressed in outdoor winter clothes holds a large, old-style camera

Sitting by the Fireside

Posted by: Jeff Bridgers

While Washington’s recent impactful snowfall prompted my fellow blogger Kristi to focus on outdoor fun and frolic in her post last week, my thoughts turned to indoor comforts of home and hearth. As the years go by, I am now content, even happy until the lights start to flicker, to watch the snow fall and blow and accumulate from inside through …