In the Library’s latest Free to Use and Reuse set of images drawn from the collections, the focus is on the horse, and all the myriad ways these noble animals have been part of our lives, including sports, recreation, agriculture, transportation, and so on.
I spotted one image that for me, and maybe for many people, reflects my first experience “riding a horse” – a spin on the back of a colorful carousel horse:

Another photo reminded me of the first time I ever sat atop a real horse as a young girl, and couldn’t get over how high up I was, and how I enjoyed the chance to view the world from a totally new perspective:

You can almost see the youngest daughter of Thomas Beede imagining what it would be like to take this horse for a ride across the farm, but my guess is this working horse has no interest in a leisure stroll.
Do these photos or others in the set trigger a memory for you? Browse a selection below and check out the entire set for an equine adventure.

![[Inez Milholland Boissevain, wearing white cape, seated on white horse at the National American Woman Suffrage Association parade, March 3, 1913, Washington, D.C.] Photo from George Grantham Bain Collection, 1913 March 3.](

Learn More:
- Explore the entire set of Free to Use and Reuse: Horses, as well as additional sets of images from the Library of Congress.
- Revisit Picture This entries including compelling images of horses from the Prints and Photographs Division’s collections:
Then why is our government trying to get rid of our wild horses? Reduce their sizes, mess up their DNA by cruel fertilization? The government along with special interests including ranchers, oil industry, mining, etc have destroyed our taken away most of the land the horses once roamed. And then they claim overpopulation and destroying the environment when wild horses are conducive to the health of the ecosystem and cattle destroy it along with man’s drilling, mining, etc. The horses roam a very small portion compared to cattle. And the government ignores the concerns of most Americans. They are destroying the last icons of our history and heritage. They have been here for millions of years and wild life and the environment survived. Interesting how the environment isn’t the same. It is because man is destroying the environment and much of the wildlife that has sustained the land and our dependency on it (plant life, water, food, etc).