In this age of born-digital photography, the tintype is a curiosity for many. A photograph on metal may seem lightyears away from the bits and bytes that make up a contemporary digital image. But in its time, the tintype—a version of the wet collodion process—allowed photographs to be produced efficiently and in a matter of …
This Saturday, October 14, marks National Chess Day, an annual celebration of a storied game that has found its way into our psyches via multiple avenues, such as from TV’s “The Queen’s Gambit,” through technological innovations, or in depictions of the game as one for all walks of life. In 1979, U.S. News & World …
Late July. A time of year that engenders thoughts of summer near its peak, with lots of sun and warm days. But this past month also marks the 100th anniversary of the National Woman’s Party Conference in Seneca Falls, New York, where a century ago, suffragists were buzzing off the energy of their hard-won victory …