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Category: Series: Caught Our Eyes

Smiling woman dressed in outdoor winter clothes holds a large, old-style camera

Caught Our Eyes: An Auto House

Posted by: Jeff Bridgers

This September 1924 National Photo Company image of an auto house caught my eye not only because of the delight it sparked in seeing such a novel vehicle, but also because the lack of contextual information set me to wondering and wanting to know more. For example, assuming that the photo shows Mr. Harris and …

Smiling woman dressed in outdoor winter clothes holds a large, old-style camera

Caught Our Eyes: Field Day

Posted by: Jeff Bridgers

My two kids participated in an annual end-of-the-school-year event earlier this week: Field Day. My memories of field days consist of contests such as the water balloon toss or varieties of races including the sack race or the three-legged race. In this Russell Lee photograph above, the young fellow, looking for all the world like …