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Category: Prints

Smiling woman dressed in outdoor winter clothes holds a large, old-style camera

A Little Bit of Sunshine

Posted by: Julie Stoner

Cold weather and I do not get along; I infinitely prefer the warm sun with a refreshing breeze. With the holidays behind and the remainder of winter ahead, I decided to search the term “sunshine” in the Prints and Photographs Online Catalog to give me hope of warmer weather to come. The photograph below of …

Smiling woman dressed in outdoor winter clothes holds a large, old-style camera

All the Trimmings: One Word, Many Pictures

Posted by: Barbara Orbach Natanson

I find the relationship between words and pictures endlessly intriguing. Sometimes I type a single word into the Prints & Photographs Online Catalog simply to see what variety it turns up. It’s a little like the best parts of opening a gift: full of surprises and meaning.  The other day, I was meditating on the …

Smiling woman dressed in outdoor winter clothes holds a large, old-style camera

Double Take: Christmas Tradition

Posted by: Julie Stoner

While recently browsing through the National Photo Company collection, I paused when I saw this photograph. My first thought was “what happened to the top of the tree?” After puzzling about the tree for a while, I looked closer at the gathering of the Dickey family. I had to smile as I have been in …

Smiling woman dressed in outdoor winter clothes holds a large, old-style camera

An Ordinary Cup o’ Joe

Posted by: Lara Szypszak

Whether you like your brew light, dark, milky or sweet, this chilly weather leaves many reaching for a hot cup of coffee to warm up and wake up. As I sipped my own morning cup, I wondered what images our collections would hold of my coffee drinking comrades. I searched our holdings for relatable and …

Smiling woman dressed in outdoor winter clothes holds a large, old-style camera

Political Posters: An Evolving Campaign Tool

Posted by: Lara Szypszak

The following is an interview featuring Jan Grenci, Reference Specialist – Posters, Prints and Photographs Division. Many may ask if campaign posters make a difference in political elections. Some of us will stick a sign in our lawn, and others may simply see posters hung in storefront windows. With another election upon us, I turned …

Smiling woman dressed in outdoor winter clothes holds a large, old-style camera

Reaching Out with Prints and Photographs

Posted by: Julie Stoner

We always enjoy opportunities to share samples of our holdings and resources at public events and had two chances to do so in the last couple of weeks. October is designated as American Archives Month, which provides a chance for cultural institutions to reach out to local communities and share the valuable resources available in …

Smiling woman dressed in outdoor winter clothes holds a large, old-style camera

Picturing a Love of Reading

Posted by: Kristi Finefield

The love of reading crosses all boundaries, appealing to people of all ages, races, genders, and walks of life. For hundreds of years, readers have opened books to learn about history or science or to discover new, imaginary worlds. Books have furnished inspiration, excitement, and relaxation. The possibilities are limitless. Within our collections, I found …

Smiling woman dressed in outdoor winter clothes holds a large, old-style camera

Marching to the Beat

Posted by: Julie Stoner

The end of August reminds me of the sweltering hot days I spent as a teenager in band camp, marching back and forth across the black pavement of the high school parking lot, attempting to learn field formations while simultaneously playing only half-remembered music.  Though well past my marching days, I still appreciate a well-executed …