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Archive: August 2021 (2 Posts)

Close-up view of two hands carefully at work on an aged, yellowing manuscript with handwriting

Analyzing Paper Deterioration: The Experiences of Two Interns Working on the Ongoing ANC Project

Posted by: Tana Villafana

This is a guest post by Kimberly Chancellor and Heidi Vance, two Junior Fellow summer interns in the Preservation Research and Testing Division. Kimberly is a recent graduate from Texas A&M University where she earned her BS in Anthropology. Heidi is a current paper conservation graduate student at Northumbria University.  This summer we had the …

Close-up view of two hands carefully at work on an aged, yellowing manuscript with handwriting

Portable Microscopes: It’s a Small World, but not an Unreachable One!

Posted by: Tana Villafana

This is a guest post written by Amanda Satorius, Preservation Science Specialist in the Preservation Research and Testing Division. Her work includes completing historical pigment and paper production research, as well as expanding and preserving the Cultural Heritage Analytical Reference Material (CHARM) collection. She is also part of PRTD’s “Go Team” of scientists that use …