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Close-up view of two hands carefully at work on an aged, yellowing manuscript with handwriting

Geanie Jackson, Collection Management’s New Administrative Officer

Posted by: Amelia Parks

Geanie Jackson is the new administrative officer within the Collections Management Division (CMD), but she is not new to the Library of Congress. While Geanie has been a go-to for all sorts of topics over the years, in her current role she is the beating heart of CMD. In this interview, Geanie shares insights into her career journey, daily responsibilities, and wide-ranging personal interests that make her a much-loved part of the Library's team.

Close-up view of two hands carefully at work on an aged, yellowing manuscript with handwriting


Posted by: Amelia Parks

Jacob Nadal has been the Director for Preservation for the last seven years. As his time at the Library comes to a close, he sets down his thoughts about preservation and leadership and says a warm farewell.

Making FETCH Happen

Posted by: Amelia Parks

In 2022, a software company operating a library inventory management system went out of business, leaving several large libraries in the lurch. Over the last couple years, the Library of Congress, along with other libraries in the ReCAP Consortium got together to create FETCH, a new inventory management system.

Preservation Staff Presenting at the Annual American Institute of Conservation Meeting

Posted by: Amelia Parks

Preservation staff will be presenting several papers at the American Institute of Conservation annual meeting starting May 20th. Come say hello and hear about topics such as scientific analysis of books from libraries around the country, non-invasive analysis of texts and images of medieval manuscripts, collection surveys, and conservation of an architectural model.

Although the front row was near empty, the room was packed

For Library Preservation Staff, Everything is Awesome

Posted by: Amelia Parks

On Friday, March 8th, staff from each division of the Preservation Directorate were invited onstage at Washington, D.C.’s comic convention, Awesome Con, to speak about their work at the Library as part of the convention’s Science Fair. This is their story.