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The same side of the cardboard box that had a missing section on the corner on the right side. The missing areas have been repaired and filled so that the side looks whole again.

Explainette!? A 1950’s Training Time Capsule

Posted by: Chloe Genter

A wholly unique object acts as a snapshot in time. The object - an Explainette, and its accompanying film, LPs, and booklets featured a variety of different materials and challenges. It came to the Conservation Division for treatment and housing so that it could be regularly displayed for visitors in the future.

Two images side by side, showing the completed models after treatment

(re)Building Rudolph: What Goes into a Monumental Loan

Posted by: Chloe Genter

Two large architectural models by Paul Rudolph were selected as part of a large loan that will be on display September 2024. The models were in extremely poor condition, broken, water- damaged, and covered in a thick layer of dust and debris. A team of five5 technicians and the objects conservator worked to get the models back into stable and displayable condition.

From Jikji to Gutenberg

Posted by: Chloe Genter

On April 13th and 14th, the Library hosted From Jikji to Gutenberg, the Scholarly Colloquium, a meeting of scholars, historians, conservators, and librarians from seven countries. The colloquium is part of a scholarly effort to promote understanding and awareness in the West about early printing with moveable type in Korea that pre-dates Gutenberg’s famous Bible. Jikji is the abbreviated title of the world’s oldest extant book made with moveable type, printed in Cheongju, Korea in 1377, preceding the Gutenberg Bible by 77 years.