Library of Congress Fellows share their role conducting comparative analysis on copies of the “same” book and carrying out chemical testing for the Assessing the National Collection (ANC) project funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Read along to find out about the atlas binding workshop held in the Preservation Directorate, where participants learned how to conserve, fold, and bind various types of atlases and book foldouts.
Curators, conservators, and preservation scientists collaborate to conduct pre-exhibit testing on 18th Century thangka, Buddha Shakyamuni which will be displayed in Collecting Memories: Treasures from the Library of Congress, in late 2023.
On April 13th and 14th, the Library hosted From Jikji to Gutenberg, the Scholarly Colloquium, a meeting of scholars, historians, conservators, and librarians from seven countries. The colloquium is part of a scholarly effort to promote understanding and awareness in the West about early printing with moveable type in Korea that pre-dates Gutenberg’s famous Bible. Jikji is the abbreviated title of the world’s oldest extant book made with moveable type, printed in Cheongju, Korea in 1377, preceding the Gutenberg Bible by 77 years.
This is a joint post by Aaron Chaletzky and Julie Pramis. This past January, the Preservation Services Division (PSD) took on a new Preservation Intern: Julie Pramis. Julie is currently enrolled in the Masters of Science in Library and Information Science program (MLIS) at the Catholic University of America (CUA). She comes to PSD with …
The Library of Congress partners with five universities and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to test 2,500 books and observe trends in the assembled data; assessing the physical condition of the national collection.
Preservation Week at the Library of Congress starts April 24th and it’s one of our favorite times of the year! The trees are blooming and it’s time for the Preservation Directorate to fling open our (virtual) doors and welcome you inside. We see Preservation Week as our opportunity to draw back the curtain and let …