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Category: Rare Books and Special Collections

A girl with dark hair and glasses smiles at the camera.

Purrservation: On Cats, Audiences, and Whys

Posted by: Bobbi Hinton

By teaching Joe, my cat, about archives and preservation, I teach myself the best ways to communicate for each project or outreach event I participate in. Joe serves as my test audience, and while he might not directly tell me if I need to expand upon or parse out a section, presenting to him helps me analyze it for myself.

One woman listens intently while another speaks, gesturing with her hands towards a display screen and book on a counter behind her.

Knowledge Shared is Knowledge Squared

Posted by: Bobbi Hinton

The following is a guest post by Meghan Hill, a preservation specialist in the Preservation Research and Testing Division of the Library of Congress. Conference season is upon us; a time to learn about exciting new initiatives in the preservation field and in turn to showcase our own work, to reconnect with colleagues from other …