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Summer Teacher Institutes Application Deadline is now February 24th

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Interested in attending one of the Library of Congress Summer Teacher Institutes? We have extended the application deadline to February 24th.

Information on the institutes and a link to the application form can be found here!

Comments (12)

  1. Where might I find information on stipends, housing, etc. for these teacher institutes?

    • Hi Fran, There are no stipends for the institute. We will supply information on hotel/housing options in Washington, DC to those who are accepted to the institute.

  2. Yes, I am interested in attending one of Library of Congress Summer Teacher Intstitutes.

    • Hi Rita, We look forward to seeing your application.

  3. what is the eligibility

  4. If I do not have a direct supervisor in my current role should I choose a reference from my work?

    Thank you.

  5. In response to the question about eligibility:

    The Teaching with Primary Sources (TPS) Summer Institutes are free and open to K-12 educators across all content areas, including teachers, librarians and media specialists, instructional technology specialists and administrators in public, charter, private or religiously affiliated schools, as well as home schooling parents.

  6. I know you had already extended the deadline, but just checking to see if there is still a space or two available? I so wanted to apply but some family matters came up and I did not get around to it. Thank you.

  7. PS – I was accepted to attend last year before our school library was given the opportunity to be opened for summer school. I felt it was important to stay through our session so I was not able to attend at that time.

  8. Sorry, the application process is closed. We do hope you will consider applying next year.

  9. If I were to come at another time during the summer, what might I be able to see or do at the library that can assist me in furthering my understanding and use of the LoC online resources? What might one be able to do if not attending a summer institute?

    • You may want to check out our online interactives which provide a lot of useful information on using our online resources.

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