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Welcome Back to Teaching with the Library of Congress Blog

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Elementary students analyze maps from the Library of Congress

Welcome to a new school year, and welcome back to this blog! At Teaching with the Library of Congress, we’re dedicated to helping teachers discover and share great Library of Congress primary sources and strategies for using them in the classroom.

Primary sources have great instructional power, and are increasingly important in standards, including the Common Core State Standards. In this blog, you’ll hear from us every few days as we highlight engaging items from the Library’s free online collections, along with ready-to-use teaching ideas.

If you were reading the blog this summer, you saw that we took a look at some of our favorite posts and rounded up top posts on a number of topics.

In the coming year, we plan to cast more light on teaching science with primary sources, on informational text, and on exciting things teachers are doing with historical artifacts.

If you’re just joining us, here are some good places to get started.

The Library of Congress Teachers Page

Professional Development

The Primary Source Analysis Tool

Finding Common Core State Standards Resources

Informational Text

Constitution Day

We depend on you for guidance, though. What would you like to see us cover in this blog? Drop us a note in the comments, and we hope to hear from you throughout the school year.

Comments (3)

  1. Common Core Standards is the hottest buzz currently. Information and resources would be helpful. Thanks!!!!

  2. This is an excellent compendium of links to useful and current teaching practices, strategies, and ideas. It is an excellent primer for teachers new to using primary sources for instruction and a concise, practical array of resources for teachers already using primary sources. Great “back to school” posting!

  3. ommon Core Standards is the hottest buzz currently. Information and resources would be helpful. Thanks!!!!

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