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Summer Begins, and So Does This Blog’s Fourth Year

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Three Years Ago, 1874

The beginning of summer can be a time of reflection for many teachers–a time to look back and take stock of the highlights and challenges of the past year. (Of course, for many teachers, summer vacation is still a few weeks away. Hang in there!)

Here at the Library, we on the K-12 education team are reflecting on the fact that this blog has reached its three-year anniversary. At the same time, we’re looking forward to a busy summer. We’re preparing for our summer teacher institutes, as well as developing new teacher resources that will debut this fall.

For now, the blog is beginning its summer schedule and will appear once per week until mid-August. We’ll be looking back at the best posts of the past year as well as featuring the voices of the educators and staff members who contribute so much to the Library’s K-12 efforts.

We’d love to hear your reflections as well. Let us know what’s worked for you, and what you’d like to hear more–or less–about in the coming year. But before you do, we hope you’ll take a moment to put your feet up and congratulate yourselves on a year of great teaching.



  1. Thank you so much for keeping the Library Alive.
    coming to visit and taking part in your programs are part of my bucket list.

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