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More than Just an Intern: 5 Questions with Camille Tolliver

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This is a guest post by Camille Tolliver. Camille worked with the education team at the Library of Congress as part of the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) Internship Program.

1. What is your background?

I was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. This past May 2014, I graduated from Johns Hopkins University with my M.A. in Communication with an emphasis on Digital Communication.

2. How did you learn about the intern program and why did you want to work at the Library of Congress?

Camille, ready to welcome teachers to a summer institute

I found out about the Library of Congress intern program through the HACU National Internship Program. I wanted to intern with the Library of Congress because it was something that was different for me and I wanted to challenge myself. I didn’t know what to expect, but it definitely turned out to be a great experience.

3. How would you describe your internship?

Most interns take on an internship not knowing what to expect. At the Library, I am more than “just” an intern. I am currently interning in the Educational Outreach department where my opinions and my work are valued. My colleagues are very influential to me because they’re very knowledgeable and always helping me enhance my skills. I enjoy interning in the Educational Outreach department because they do not hesitate to challenge me and help me learn and grow professionally.

Being able to help with the Summer Teacher Institutes from start to finish was a great experience for me. Every week was very interesting. It was great to see how amazed the participants were when they were handed a primary source to analyze. I learned a lot from sitting and watching teachers put on their thinking caps and become students.

The impact that I noticed primary sources have on teachers is that it opens their mind to a new way of learning, teaching and getting their students involved. Oh how I wish my teachers used primary sources when I was in elementary, middle and high school!

4. What has amazed you the most about the Library?

I am most amazed by how passionate everyone is about what they do and how they are always willing to tell you about their department. There’s always an opportunity to learn something new.

5. What advice can you give future interns?

EXPLORE! Take advantage of the opportunities and resources within the Library. The Library has a lot of amazing collections and hosts a lot of amazing events. Lastly, remember, you are more than “just” an intern.

Comments (4)

  1. Answer your questions:
    1-bacround is to likely of dream or wind ,we can,t see them,but we can sensitive, we now there are our around.
    My result is bacround is personality and identity
    2_i found many information for learning in virtualization worlds and I think. The llibrary of Congress is the best center for learning for anythings
    3-the library of congresse hlep me for learning and increasing own information

  2. That’s my niece Camille, awesome story – well done job

  3. Camille seemed to be omnipresent during the week long science seminar this summer, often with a camera in hand. It was great getting to know a little more about her and her perspective on the summer institutes. Thanks!

  4. The whole ed outreach team learned from Camille too! This blog was her idea so I especially appreciate that she wanted to take the time to share the lessons that she learned with other interns but also with teachers new to using primary sources or needing a little boost as they go back to school (“Oh how I wish…”). If you are ever struggling, keep Camille’s words in mind!

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