September in History with the Library of Congress
Posted by: Danna Bell
September highlights include the life of Jonathan Chapman, commonly known as Johnny Appleseed and John Smith's presidency of the Jamestown settlement.
Posted in: Lesson Ideas
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Posted by: Danna Bell
September highlights include the life of Jonathan Chapman, commonly known as Johnny Appleseed and John Smith's presidency of the Jamestown settlement.
Posted in: Lesson Ideas
Posted by: Danna Bell
Just like my colleagues I have a number of favorite items within the collections. However, instead of focusing on one item I'm going to focus on a question: "What makes a quilt pretty?"
Posted in: Culture and Folklife
Posted by: Danna Bell
I am a folklorist in the American Folklife Center and I catalog and describe unpublished ethnographic collections from our Archive, so they can be found and explored by users.
Posted in: Culture and Folklife, Industrial United States, World Wars and the Great Depression (1914-1945), Interviews with Experts
Posted by: Danna Bell
The Library of Congress has the locks of many famous and not so famous Americans within its collections. To me, hair is so personal and individual--literally, a part of you--that you can really imagine a living, breathing person attached to it rather than a historical figure
Posted in: Culture and Folklife, Development of the Industrial United States (1877-1914)
Posted by: Danna Bell
One of the advantages the Library of Congress offers is the range and diversity of its collection. Thus, the inherent value of a manuscript collection is enhanced by collections of a comparable nature in the Manuscript Division and other custodial divisions.
Posted in: African American History, Interviews with Experts
Posted by: Danna Bell
Kate Stewart wants to encourage teachers to incorporate oral histories and interviews to teach recent history. It may be easier to analyze photographs and text, but I think listening to someone tell a personal story can be so much more memorable and engaging.
Posted in: African American History, Culture and Folklife, Interviews with Experts