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Primary Sources in Science Classrooms: We’ll See You at the NSTA Conference in Philadelphia

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This post was written by Trey Smith, the Library of Congress 2015-16 Science Teacher in Residence.

The National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) is hosting an Area Conference in Philadelphia November 12-14 at the Pennsylvania Convention Center.

Drawing of Fairmount Waterworks from HABS-HAER-HALS collection
Drawing of Fairmount Waterworks from HABS-HAER-HALS collection

Join education staff from the Library of Congress for session 6447, “Science as a Human Endeavor: Analyzing Historical Primary Sources from the Library of Congress” from 3:30-4:30 pm on Thursday, November 12.  What better place than Philadelphia to consider how documents from the past can help students engage with next generation ideas in science and engineering?

If you are unable to join us in Philadelphia this fall, you can still browse the many teaching resources available online at in addition to the digitized primary sources in these collections related to science and technology.

Additionally, Library staff highlight primary sources for classroom use on the final page of each issue of NSTA’s The Science Teacher magazine.

Image from Wagner Free Institute of Science document from HABS-HAER-HALS collection
Image from Wagner Free Institute of Science document from HABS-HAER-HALS collection

We look forward to connecting with you about using primary sources to engage students, promote inquiry, and help them think critically.

Tweet @TeachingLC using the hashtag #NSTA15.


  1. I was fortunate to attend this workshop. An outstanding product was nicely explained in an oustanding presentation. I look forward to accessing and using the resources.

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