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Free Teacher Webinar, Thursday January 21: Primary Sources & Novice Researchers–Entry Points and Interplay

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This post was written by Tom Bober, the Library of Congress 2015-16 Audio-Visual Teacher in Residence.

When students are learning research skills and the research process, there is often a focus on secondary sources, both print and online. As a librarian, I work with students and teachers, and I’ve found that including primary sources in research not only provides a unique opportunity to construct knowledge, but also engages students, driving their research forward.

Join us for this one-hour webinar, January 21st at 4pm EST to explore how primary sources can play a key role in learning research skills. This webinar will illustrate areas in an inquiry research process where primary sources can play a key role as well as how primary sources interplay with each other and with secondary sources to afffect student learning.

If you can’t participate in the webinar, you can view a recording which will be available shortly after the session. Recordings of past events, information on future webinars, and information about joining the webinar are available here.

Comments (3)

  1. Looking forward to the info about primary sources !

  2. Can you give an age range or grade range for this webinar?

  3. Schools and districts introduce research skills at different times and students master those skills at different times, so it’s difficult to name a grade range. The webinar will look at skills such as student generated research questions, extending research after initial findings, and creating understanding on a topic using multiple resources. The use of primary sources in these skills will be our focus. Most importantly, the participants bring their experiences with these and other research skills to the discussion. Sharing those perspectives will inform the conversation during the webinar. We hope to see you there!

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