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Call for Applications: Early Elementary Teacher-in-Residence Position at the Library of Congress

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The Educational Outreach Division of the Library of Congress is seeking applications from current teachers or library/media specialists for an Early Elementary Teacher-in-Residence position during the 2016-17 school year. Details about the position and application are available here.

Exterior view. Illuminated west façade view at night. Library of Congress Thomas Jefferson Building, Washington, D.C.
Exterior view. Illuminated west façade view at night. Library of Congress Thomas Jefferson Building, Washington, D.C.

Each Teacher-in-Residence term is shaped by both the individual and the needs of the institution. Here are some reflections on the experience from past Teachers-in-Residence:

I have learned about delivering professional development to adults, discovering that just as when working with students, the key to learning is engagement…I have experienced the richest collaborative relationships of my career with some of the most knowledgeable experts in the world…I have come to appreciate the power of primary sources to engage our students, inspiring them to ask questions and seek answers.

Rebecca Newland, 2013-15

One of the things I’ve enjoyed the most is working in a collaborative environment where my ideas, opinions, and experiences as a teacher were valued. [It gave me] the opportunity to see the Library’s mission—to make its resources available to the public—in action.

Sara Suiter, 2010-11

Browse these blog posts to learn more about the work of past and current Teachers-in-Residence.

The application deadline is April 12, so don’t delay!



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