The Library of Congress Educational Outreach Division is looking for a performing or visual arts teacher to serve as the 2018-19 Teacher in Residence. This is the first time the Library has specifically recruited a performing arts or visual arts teacher for this opportunity. Details about the position and the application are available here.
Recent teachers in residence have been involved in creating and delivering professional development programs, writing for the Teaching with the Library of Congress blog and other publications, and representing the Library at conferences, but the exact projects will be determined by the needs of the institution and the interests of the selected teacher.
Not a day has gone by during my time as Teacher in Residence that I have not been in awe of the splendor of the Library, the treasures housed here, the research opportunities, the visitors that come from around the world, or the wisdom and professionalism of the staff.
Teresa St. Angelo, 2016-2017 Library of Congress Teacher in Residence
The application deadline is April 9, so don’t delay!
Thank you very much
I’m trying to join you