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Educators: Please Take Our Podcast Survey

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Educators, do you enjoy podcasts? When? Where? Which ones? Do you ever share ideas inspired by podcasts, or use tips you learn from podcasts, with students or colleagues?

The Library’s Learning and Innovation Office is gathering information to help inform our plans for the future, and whether you answered “yes” or “no” to the questions above, we would like to hear from you. We hope that you’ll participate.

We are interested in learning from educators who work with learners of all ages (children and adults), in both formal and informal learning environments, across the curriculum. Your input and perspectives will help us shape content that is engaging, informative, thought-provoking, and useful for you, perhaps in a podcast, perhaps in another medium.

Please consider completing our survey, “Podcast Usage Among Educators” by February 24– and thank you!


Comments (3)

  1. I listen to NPR, and a few others while cataloging- mostly in the summer not during school year.

  2. Thank you very much for your response! If you haven’t done so yet, we encourage you to take the survey mentioned in this post (, as well – and feel free to spread the word to other educators you may know!

  3. Hi Team,
    I am doing some research into the podcast habits of teachers, did you publish the results of this survey? Where? If not, can I see what you elucidated?

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