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Call for Applications: Civics Teacher-in-Residence Position

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Comments (3)

  1. The blogs from teachers who have been exposed to this opportunity are exciting and motivational. Having benefited with book donations from BOOKS FOR AFRICA to set up a library for children I very much look forward for an opportunity for my experience to be enhanced by this program. However, may I know if I my base in a young democracy of Ghana will disenfranchise or be prejudicial to my application. I can give every assure to the effect that though young the experience of democracy is, it is impacting positively on every sphere of the Ghanaian community including timetables in schools. An experience gained under this program should enable me to make invaluable contributions to the achievements of other young institutions, such as my own LIVE RIGHT GH, which are helping to groom and safeguarding the new democratic dispensation. Once again may I submit an application, please. Thank you.

  2. The link at the end of this sentence does not work: Details about the position and application are available here.

    • The link should be working now. Thanks for your interest!

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