With spring just around the corner, we thought it might be time to provide another round-up of new collections and other resources that are now available online.
- Frederick Douglass Newspapers This online collection presents newspapers edited by Frederick Douglass. The presentation includes 568 issues from three newspaper titles (Frederick Douglass’ Paper, New National Era, and The North Star), covering the years from 1847-1874.
- American Federation of Labor Records These records span the years 1883-1925 and include correspondence from past AFL presidents Samuel Gompers and William Green and other officials. Arranged by year, this collection can help bring the history of the labor movement of the United States to life for your students.
- Code of Federal Regulations This collection covers the years 1938-1995 and provides an opportunity for users to see changes in federal regulations and consider how they may have affected the operations of various federal agencies.
A number of existing collections have been updated, too!
- The Music Division has digitized a number of its new acquisitions including a handwritten version of Rhapsody in Blue by George Gershwin.
- The Occupational Folklife Project from the American Folklife Center has added the following collections:
- Nine more recordings have been added to the Archive of Hispanic Literature on Tape, including poets Javier Zamora, Gina Franco, Rachelle Linda Escamilla, and William Archila.
- The Veterans History Project (VHP) has launched an online exhibit that features the stories of veterans who used various creative outlets to help them after they returned from the battlefield. Don’t forget to look at some of the other oral histories including the collection interviews featuring women veterans.
The Library also has launched a new research guides page. They can help lead you and your students to a variety of Library of Congress resources.
Enjoy exploring these new resources and using them in your classroom. Let us know how you make use of these with your students in the comments.