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What was the First Fourth of July Like?

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Here is a suggestion from Puck Magazine. May your July 4th be as lively–if perhaps safer than–the one presented below.

Drawng documenting the first July 4th Celebration in the town square
The First Fourth. L.M. Glackens, 1909


  1. Every time I listened to the Tchaivkosky’s Overture 1812 at the final movement, I inmediately imagine what it would be a winning celebration like today’s 4th of July.
    Even though it was composed and played almost a century later. But it reflects the feeling of the victory.
    So, this portrait doesn’t reflect that kind of victory, instead a whole mob protesting for something else.
    The joyful celebration of liberty and the rise of a new nation, must be well reflected. But of course, the veracity of the first celebration must be documented and truly be reflected in the portrait

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