This post was written by Peter DeCraene, a 2021-22 Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellow at the Library of Congress.
The Library of Congress is hosting a series of three STEM-related webinars for educators this Spring. The series will be facilitated by the Library’s 2021-2022 Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellows, Lesley Anderson and Peter DeCraene. The final two webinars in the series will take place at 7 pm ET May 5 and May 12.
Registration is open for the third in the series, which will take place May 12, on Parallel Primary Sources for Enhancing STEM Experiences. This interactive session will focus on strategies to help students examine primary sources from multiple perspectives. How can students identify different perspectives from which a single primary source may be examined? And how can examining multiple sources with different perspectives add to their understanding of a topic? We’ll demonstrate a number of related strategies and provide materials and time for participants to reflect on how they may be used in their STEM classes.
We will take a look at two photographs of a historic event and use our observation skills to determine the sequence in which the photos were taken. We will also look at references to radioactivity in the historic newspapers available in Chronicling America and investigate notebooks from Alexander Graham Bell to discuss the nature of science and mathematics.
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