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Home page of Sanborn Map collection

Using Sanborn maps? The first in our series of STEM-related webinars is for you!

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This post is by Kathleen McGuigan of the Library of Congress.

The Library of Congress will be hosting a series of three STEM-related webinars for educators this spring. The series will be facilitated by our 2022-2023 Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellow, Jacqueline Katz, and will take place at 4 pm ET April 12, April 19, and April 26.

Registration is open for the first in the series that will take place on April 12th on Innovations with Sanborn Maps – Sanborn Maps NavigatorThe Sanborn Maps Collection from the Library of Congress consists of over 50,000 historical atlases, with around 32,000 of them currently available online. These richly detailed maps offer many approaches for study and research for the classroom.

Participants will explore the collection and examine an innovative application called Sanborn Maps Navigator, which encourages engagement with the Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps collection. The session will highlight the work of several educators and provide participants time to develop connections between the collection and their own classroom.

Join us and see what the Library can offer STEM teachers!

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Comments (6)

  1. How do we sign up for the webinar on the Sanborn maps on 4/12?

  2. Will the webinars be recorded? I’m on Pacific time and will be in the classroom.

    • The webinars will be recorded. In order to view the recordings sooner, we encourage participants to still register for the webinar. We can send a link to the recording within 3 days of the event.

  3. I was unable to attend the webinar and would like to view it. Could you please send me a link to view it?

    Thank you!

    Leslie Carr

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