I left New Jersey with good wishes, lots of hugs, and a few tears. When I got to Washington, DC, I was welcomed by the Educational Outreach staff of the Library of Congress with a mutual eagerness to collaborate and a personal hope that my contributions could affect educators.
On a spring day, gather your students together and make a list of activities children do in springtime. When ideas have been generated, tell students they are going to analyze two images from the past to discover what children did in spring.
As St. Patrick's Day approaches, some young students might immerse themselves in the eye-catching images often associated with the holiday in the U.S.: shamrocks, green clothing, and the occasional pot of gold. This is a perfect opportunity to introduce students to a corner of the actual country of Ireland through primary sources.
What better way for young students to learn about three early presidents than to explore documents from the time period - including letters, school work, diagrams and drawings created by the men themselves?
What's one topic that's usually of great interest to young learners? Toys! Tap into this interest and offer a primary source lesson that will inspire learning.