Register to attend the Library of Congress Exploring the Early Americas Teacher Institutes in Washington, D.C. Participants will leave with strategies and materials they can use in their schools.
But you don’t have to come to Washington to bring the National Book Festival to your students. The Book Festival’s Kids and Teachers site is the key to enjoying the Book Festival experience no matter where you are.
The Library of Congress now bids farewell to its own rock star ambassador to the K-12 education community: our 2010-2011 Teacher in Residence, Sara Suiter.
On Monday June 27, the Library of Congress will be opening its booth at ISTE 2011, the International Society for Technology in Education’s annual gathering in Philadelphia.
Philadelphia has always been a great place for gatherings, from the Continental Congress to the present day, and the Library will continue that tradition when its staff joins ISTE 2011, the International Society for Technology in Education’s annual gathering at the end of June. The Library of Congress will be there to present effective strategies …