Each year the Library of Congress provides the opportunity for K-12 educators to attend one of its Summer Teacher Institutes in Washington, D.C. During the five-day institutes, participants work with Library of Congress education specialists to learn best practices for using primary sources in the K-12 classroom, while exploring some of the millions of digitized primary sources available on the Library’s Web site.
Are you going to either the National Council of Social Studies Conference November 16-18 in Seattle or to the National Council for Teachers of English Conference November in Las Vegas? The Library of Congress Educational Outreach Team will be exhibiting and presenting at both conferences.
Common Core State Standards can be easily met using Library of Congress teacher resources, and a new tool lets you quickly find the best Library resources for your CCSS needs.
Teachers and school librarians! If you’re coming to the National Book Festival this weekend, stop by the Library of Congress pavilion to say hello to the Library’s education staff.
As of today teachers and students--and everyone else--have a new and incomparable place to learn about legislation and the nation's legislative body: Congress.gov.
The most recent issue of the Library of Congress TPS Journal focuses on the Common Core State Standards and the importance of incorporating primary sources to insure student success.
The Library has more than 20 million digitized primary sources available for free at www.loc.gov. This blog is dedicated to helping teachers explore and share ideas for teaching with these historical artifacts.
When I attended the Library’s June Summer Teacher Institute, I was struck by how much the week of immersion in primary sources altered participants’ preliminary teaching plans. Between Library of Congress website discoveries and tours of real primary source collections, attendees extensively changed and enriched their plans.