Earlier this month, I spoke with Dr. Carla Hayden, the 14th Librarian of Congress, about a wide variety of topics. As I kicked off our conversation, I was thinking about the first activity I do with my new kindergartners each fall. We engage in a show and tell of items in the students’ backpacks. This one activity gives me an awareness and understanding of the boys and girls unlike any other.
The Library of Congress launched a new home page last month. In case you missed our announcement in early November, we'd like to take a tour of new features. We are really excited about this new design because it allows us to highlight more of the resources that are available for you.
Join Sherry Levitt, executive director of Teaching with Primary Sources, Northern Virginia (TPSNVA), for her webinar "One Year in the Life of America." December 14, 2016 at 4pm EST.
Greetings, neonis! We're thrilled to announce that Chapter Two of "The Technicolor Adventures of Catalina Neon" is now online for your reading and listening pleasure and participation.
We are excited that the National Council of Social Studies Conference will be meeting in Washington, D.C., December 2-4. The Library of Congress Educational Outreach Team and Teaching with Primary Sources (TPS) partners are looking forward to meeting with you and sharing ideas on using primary sources in the classroom.
Join reference specialist Abby Yochelson, of the Library of Congress Humanities and Social Sciences Division, as she discusses “Books Go to War: Armed Services Editions in World War II” based on the Library's America Reads exhibition.
This year National Council of Teachers of English will host their annual conference from November 17-20 at the Georgia World Conference Center in Atlanta, GA. Will you be there? We will!
You may have heard that the Library hosted an online conference on October 25-26 called, “Discover and Explore with Library of Congress Primary Sources.” Education experts and subject matter specialists presented 15 different sessions discussing resources and teaching strategies for using primary sources in the classroom.
The event was a huge success! We served more than 800 educators through the live event and we expect that number to grow now that the recordings are available. For a limited time, you can still earn a certificate for each presentation you view.
Award-winning author Tonya Bolden will discuss her research and writing processes as part of her keynote address for the second annual Library of Congress online conference for educators, Discover and Explore with Library of Congress Primary Sources, on October 25th at 4:00 ET.